Tagged: Tony Abbott

Cliev and Team Australia talk strategy | Wednesday 20 August 2014

Team Australia offence

I’m sick today. Wild fever dreams over night.

Anyway, this seems to be the stupid little gaffe that will not die. My mate Fergus Ryan at Business Spectator has, I think, the best take on it.

Clive Palmer’s remarkably unhinged outburst on the ABC’s Q&A program on Monday night was offensive in the extreme but the government’s reaction to it has made Australia look like a bunch of nervous nellies.

You may have seen that I will not be doing cartoons for Crikey anymore, as they have taken on Department of Australia for their satire needs.

I will start pitching to other places soon, but I think I’m just taking a rest this week, I may post other cartoons here this week (especially as I’ll probably also be off work tomorrow).

Onward and upward.