Je suis Charlie | Thursday 8 January 2015

je suis

I can partially understand the backlash to the #jesuischarlie hashtag based on the fact that some of the cartoons published by Charlie Hebdo, especially on their covers, are quite racist and seem unworthy of solidarity.

I have said (in the past, not just now) that I would not have published the Jyllands-Posten (or simply “Danish”) Mohammed cartoons, on the basis that the harm done in the broader sense (and I’m not talking about the riots, I’m talking about the potential dehumanising of a minority) didn’t really balance out the flexing of the freedom of speech muscle. The ethical scales didn’t bear it out and furthermore, some of the images just seemed in poor taste for no good reason (the Mohammed with a cartoon bomb for a turban is a shining example of this).

Some of the cartoons/covers since then I would have published (the “Love is stronger than hate” cover published after their offices were fire-bombed, the more benign portrayals of the prophet that simply poke fun, etc), some I wouldn’t (like the pregnant Boko Haram abductees as welfare leeches – something someone brought to my attention today on Twitter).

For me, #jesuischarlie wasn’t – and isn’t – about saying, “fuck yeah, publish with impunity, racism and hate speech SHOULD be published”; it was about saying that when someone believes you can be shot for your speech, we are all in the firing line.

Cartoonists and satirists in particular, but writers (and artists and *shudder* content makers) too – we can all offend. And while we should be mindful of that offence we should not be fearful of it.

Nous sommes Charlie not because we all support those cartoons and articles which maybe punch down (on the islamic minority) rather than up (at the broader institutions that perpetuate isolation of that minority), but because maybe we say the wrong thing one day in our exercise of free speech and we piss off the wrong person. There but for the grace of many gods/editors go I.

Obviously a lot of this is self-evident, and I’m mostly working through this myself to get it down and out, because I understand those who are rightly offended by the Charlie Hebdo covers.

But je suis Charlie nonetheless.



Movember Mo Drawing Marathon

mo marathon

This Sunday (16 November) I will be doing a 10 hour (10am – 8pm) drawing marathon for Movember.

I’m not a big fan of the humble moustache, so I don’t plan to cultivate one of the little beasts on my face during this wonderful month of charitable facial hair.

BUT, I would like to support one of the charities that is very close to my heart in the way I know best – by drawing a whole hell of a lot.

Here’s the deal: if you donate $20 to Beyond Blue before or on Sunday via this Everyday Hero page, I will draw a picture of you, by hand and on paper, with a moustache style of your choosing.

You can provide a picture beforehand or we can work out a timetable on the day for walk-ups!

Important: You don’t have to be there on the day! All ‘stached cartoons will be photographed and posted both on the Facebook event wall and on twitter.

I am capping the number of people I will draw to 100 people (for the sake of my surely someday to be arthritic hands), and I will be setting up a desk and chair at Edinburgh Gardens for 10 hours (10am – 8pm) on Sunday 16 November to draw them all.

This is probably a stupid idea, but please help me to raise a whole shit tonne of money for charity.

Facebook event page:

And now, some FAQs:

1) Do I have to physically be there?

No! In fact, originally it wasn’t going to be a destination/physical event thing. You can send me a photo of your choice and email/DM/post on this wall your donation receipt and I will include you. Having some ready to do at the start of the day will be better and allow me to plan (and still cap it at 100).
All pictures will be photographed on the day and posted to the event wall

2) So 10 hours, 100 drawings, that’s one every 6 minutes. You’re charging $20 in 6 minute increments? What are you, a lawyer?

I am not qualified to practice law, no. However as your lawyer, I’d advise you to not look a gift horse in the mouth (I think it’s something to do with the teeth?) and realise that the main point of this is to raise money for charity. I assure you the drawing will be worth the sense of joy you will also get by donating (and that can be offset in your tax).

3) Can I donate to another charity?

Short answer? No. I realise there was some controversy with Jeff Kennett being a douchenozzle about LGBTI issues some time ago (and he’s not my favourite person at the best of times), but I believe as an organisation they’ve tried to distance themselves from the chairman’s comments and settled the associated issues with regard to his comments in the past few years. Long answer? Maybe, I guess. But talk to me about it first, because why… y’know?

4) What if it’s cold/raining?

The forecast looks sketchy, I’ll grant you that. I’ll be there anyway.

5) Where’s “there”?

In Edinburgh Gardens, Fitzroy North, Victoria, Australia. Where exactly? I’ll tell you on the day. Probably under at least one tree.

6) Can we come and hang out?

Sure bring coffee/beer/good tidings for me and my kin.