Tagged: Abbott

Abbott “shirt-fronts” Putin at G20 | Tuesday 14 October 2014

shirt front

“I’m going to shirtfront Mr Putin,” he said.

“I am going to be saying to Mr Putin Australians were murdered.

“There’ll be a lot of tough conversations with Russia and I suspect the conversation I have with Mr Putin will be the toughest conversation of all.”

– Tony Abbott vows to ‘shirtfront’ Vladimir Putin over MH17 tragedy

SBY just doesn’t get it, it’s the media’s fault | Wednesday 20 November 2013

sby 2

“I want to express here in this chamber, my deep and sincere regret about the embarrassment to the President and to Indonesia that’s been caused by recent media reporting,” Mr Abbott said in a speech to Parliament on Wednesday evening.

Oh shit, I’m really sorry you FEEL THAT WAY Indonesia.

Rudd resignation: the Death of Ruddcrates | Thursday 14 November 2014

The Death of Ruddcrates

Hello friends! Apologies about the long gap between posts; I’ve been in Europe.

I had an amazing time, tried to forget entirely about what’s been going on back here, and was pretty successful, really. Two weeks each in Paris, Lisbon and Berlin is a great way to distract yourself. I highly recommend it.

If you’re planning to go to Paris, I recommend visiting the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature (Museum of Hunting and Nature), among all of the other amazing sights. It’s a museum of taxidermied animals, a history of hunting which includes paintings by Desportes and Rubens, and also a collection of modern art (some pieces commissioned specifically for the museum) that are relevant to the subject.

But I see there’s been quite the circus going on back here while I’ve been away too.